Sunday, May 23, 2010

Silurians Fact File!

Other Names
Homo Reptilia

Home Planet

Green reptilian humanoid

Start to worry when
They start moaning about 'stinking apes'. And looking in your direction.

First Appearance: Doctor Who and the Silurians; Doctor: The Third Doctor
Last Appearance:The Hungry Earth; Doctor: The Eleventh Doctor

The Silurians (Homo Reptilia) were Earth's first intelligent inhabitants, cold-blood reptilians with a lifespan of over three centuries who developed a civilisation at least 300 million years before human beings evolved.
Silurian astronomers predicated the arrival of a minor planet would devastate Earth, and so the species went into hibernation, with one genetic line being left as caretakers while the others slept. Time hid their cities underground, while the minor planet became Earth's moon.
Advanced Silurian technology includes germ warfare, mutated dinosaurs, electromagnetic barriers, heat rays, laser scalpels, bioprogrammed materials, fluid controls and disc transports that use geothermal currents and gravity bubbles to move underground.

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