Thursday, June 17, 2010

Karen has the inside story on the Doctor Who final - Spoilers!

What can we expect from the last episodes of the series? Tell us everything!

"I can't! I can tell you to expect high emotion. I cried my eyes out just reading the scripts and then filming them - it was the most emotionally draining experience of my life. There will be tears around the country."

Sad tears? Happy tears?
"All kinds of tears. Have your tissues ready."

Well, we do know that River Song is back - and she tells the Doctor 'The Pandorica' is opening. What is the Pandorica?
"River Song and the Doctor have very different ideas on it. River Song says it contains the most feared thing in the universe, but the Doctor says it is just a fairy tale."

Is it fun having River Song back in the story?
"Oh yes. I love how they all gang up on the Doctor. It's a nice dynamic."

We know that the Cybermen are back in this episode too.
"Amy has to fight a Cyberman off with a stick. A flaming stick. That doesn't sound too exciting does it?!"

What do you find scarier - Cybermen or Daleks?
"Cybermen! They can walk - the Daleks just roll around on wheels. I find the Cybermen really spooky."

Are the Daleks back too?
"I am not allowed to say anything! I can just confirm the Cybermen. And the stick - there is definitely a stick!"

We have to ask about Rory. Surely he's not really dead?
"Everybody keeps asking me if he's coming back. But he's really dead! My mum rang me up in tears when he died - I hadn't prepared her at all. I never tell her anything."

Are you proud of how well the series has been received?
"Yes! We've had great reviews and most importantly kids have taken really well to Amy and to the new Doctor - that's the most important thing. It's a relief."

What has been your favourite episode of the series?
"The final two are the best I think. But personally I also loved 'Amy's Choice' because I had lots of stuff to do in that one and I got to wear a baby bump!"

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